News Archive

- December 20, 2024: New paper published: B. Wallace, S. Palo, P. Axelrad, J. Marino, N. Rainville, J. DiTomas, R. Kingsbury, M. Shihabi, D. Ogbe, "A Lunar Surface Pseudolite Architecture for Regional Communication and Radionavigation", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
- November 12, 2024: Two papers accepted to the 2025 IEEE Aerospace Conference: 1. D. Ogbe, A. Jongeling, Z. Towfic, S. Janamian, D. Foor, B. Wiley, D. Cho, E. Grigorian, G. Miles, C. Okino, T. Canham, D. Sheldon, J. Sauvageau, "The JPL Snapdragon Co-Processor: A compact high-performance computer for spaceflight applications", 2. N. Tyagi, L. White, D. Ogbe, Z. Towfic, "Implementation of Regenerative Ranging for Low SNR Scenarios for Software-Defined-Radios". I am also again co-chairing session 12.05 "Automation and Machine Learning Applications in Spacecraft Operations". Looking forward to seeing everybody in March 2025 in Big Sky!
- May 15, 2024: New paper published: Yoaz Bar-Sever, Eric Burt, Kar-Ming Cheung, Todd Ely, Jon Hamkins, Stephen Lichten, Marc Sanchez Net, Dennis Ogbe, Robert Tjoelker, Zaid Towfic, and Nan Yu. "Architectures and Technology Investment Priorities for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing at the Moon and Mars." The Interplanetary Network Progress Report, Volume 42-237, pp. 1-60, May 15, 2024.
- November 17, 2023: Two papers accepted to the 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conference: 1. D. Ogbe, B. Wallace, M. Shihabi, S. Palo, "Two-way Ranging Using OFDM Waveform with Application to Lunar Surface Navigation", 2. M. Bhateja, D. Ogbe, Z. Towfic, "Anomaly Detection for Spacecraft Radios Based on Open-Loop Recording Data". I am also co-chairing session 12.05, "Automation and Machine Learning Applications in Spacecraft Operations". See y'all in March in Big Sky 🚀🏔️🏂! Update May 16, 2024: The articles are now available in IEEE Xplore. See links above.
- November 03, 2023: New paper published: B. Wallace, S. Palo, P. Axelrad, J. Marino, N. Rainville, R. Kingsbury, J. DiTomas, M. Shihabi, and D. Ogbe, "Development of a Lunar Surface Navigation Pseudolite Testbed"
- June 07, 2023: New paper published: D. Ogbe, C.-C. Wang, and D. J. Love, "On the Optimal Delay Growth Rate of Multi-Hop Line Networks: Asymptotically Delay-Optimal Designs and the Corresponding Error Exponents"
- March 11, 2023: Back to JPL after a great week of networking, technical sessions, and snowboarding at the 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Plus, our paper "Passive Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PPNT) in Cislunar Space using Earth-based Transmitters" won the Track 04 Best Paper Award! I was also a co-author on the paper: M. Kobayashi et al, "UST-Lite Direct Waveform Sampling Software-Defined Radio for Spaceflight Applications". Update May 18, 2023: The articles are now available in IEEE Xplore. See links above.
- November 15, 2022: Our paper titled "Passive Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PPNT) in Cislunar Space using Earth-based Transmitters" was accepted to the 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference! See you in March 2023 in Big Sky!
- May 02, 2022: Gave a talk on work on Anomaly and Interference Detection for Space Radios and Iris at the 2022 Inter-Planetary Small Satellite Conference in San Luis Obispo, CA
- March 07, 2022: Gave a talk on our paper "Benchmarking and Testing of Qualcomm Snapdragon System-on-Chip for JPL Space Applications and Missions" at the 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference in Big Sky, MT (Update August 10, 2022: Now available on IEEE Xplore)
- June 23, 2021: New paper published: G. Naik, D. Ogbe and J.-M. Park, "Can Wi-Fi 7 Support Real-Time Applications? On the Impact of Multi Link Aggregation on Latency"
- March 15, 2021: I started working as Signal Analysis Engineer at NASA JPL.
- January 25, 2021: New paper published: D. Ogbe, D. J. Love, and C.-C. Wang, "Backhauling Many Devices: Relay Schemes for Massive Random Access Networks"
- November 09, 2020: I moved to Lynk and started working as Telecom Software and SDR Engineer.
- July 14, 2020: New paper published: M. Zhang, J. Song, D. J. Love, D. Ogbe, A. Ghosh and B. Peleato, "Increasing Throughput in Wireless Communications by Grouping Similar Quality Bits"
- June 01, 2020: I defended my Ph.D. dissertation titled Adaptive Beamforming and Coding for Multi-node Wireless Networks and accepted a position as Postdoctoral Associate hosted by Jerry Park at Virginia Tech.
- March 10, 2020: I attended the 5G Enabled Energy Innovation Workshop.
- February 11, 2020: I was selected as Exemplary Reviewer of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters for the year 2019.
- January 21, 2020: I was named a 2020 Georgia Tech FOCUS Fellow and spent an exciting two days visiting Atlanta and the Georgia Tech School of ECE.
- July 31, 2019: Presented a poster on our work in the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge at the Facebook Connectivity Labs summer research workshop.
- July 12, 2019: Gave a talk on our paper On the Optimal Delay Amplification Factor of Multi-hop Relay Channels at ISIT 2019.
- July 02, 2019: Presented a poster on our work in delay-constrained relaying at NASIT 2019.
- April 23, 2019: Received the 2019 Purdue College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Service Scholarship.
- December 14, 2018: Our team secured a finalist spot in Phase 3 of Spectrum Collaboration Challenge with a with a top 5 finish out of 15 teams! (Update January 29, 2019: Passed payline criterion and awarded a $375,000 prize. See here.)
- November 29, 2018: Our paper Efficient Channel Estimation for Aerial Wireless Communications was accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems! Preprint here.
- October 31, 2018: Presented the talk Characterizing and Adapting to the Structure of Millimeter Wave Channel Covariance Matrices at Asilomar 2018. Preprint here.
- May 24, 2018: I attended the 2018 North American School of Information Theory at Texas A&M University and presented a poster on our work on Transcoding.
- May 17, 2018: I attended the IEEE Communications Theory Workshop 2018 in Miramar Beach, Florida and presented a poster on our work on Transcoding.
- April 20, 2018: I co-instructed a workshop on the basics of using git. Intro slides on Overleaf.
- April 11, 2018: I co-instructed an introductory \(\LaTeX\) workshop for graduate students at Purdue. Find the slides on Overleaf.
- April 07, 2018: The website was re-designed